A belated shout out to Christopher Mea and Jason Mea for organizing and hosting our Fall clinic!
A look back at the group photo from our Fall clinic. Our fall 2024 Tsuruoka Karate-Do clinic was a success! Thanks go to all the Senseis who shared their knowledge of Karate and Tsuruoka O’Sensei’s teachings. We are all doing our best to promote karate in the spirit of our founder.
Saturday’s clinic saw juniors and seniors working and learning together at the local elementary school.
Our AGM was held at 4pm, with some members online as well.
A good number of us gathered at the local chinese restaurant to end the day to celebrate the hard work of the weekend.
Sunday’s morning’s clinic was also held at the same school, for senior students only. Although no one was being tested for a black belt grading on this weekend, all the resources were at the ready.